We take care of everything:

  • Design
  • Feasibility and environmental studies
  • Project management
  • Logistics
  • EPC: Engineering, procurement, and construction
  • Plant operations
  • Organizing the feedstock
  • Operating and Managing (O&M) the whole system
  • Managing all risks
  • In certain circumstances, we can bring up to 100% funding

We will run the project as a joint venture with a local partner. We will bring German equipment, German engineers, and German know-how and skills.

We employ as many local companies and local people as possible, typically 80% of the plant workforce.

We provide training and transfer of technology.

The construction of the plant will be conducted by a world-class consortium.

We can manage and operate the plant, or we can transfer operational responsibilities to our local partner.

Start-up power generation

For an average project, after breaking ground, it will take 24 to 30 months before achieving maximum output.

The solar PV usually comes onstream in four stages: 25% every three months. Accordingly, the full solar plant will be operational 12 months after breaking ground.

Biogas is a little more complex. The initial biogas output will come onstream by about month nine. Maximum biogas capacity will usually be available between month 24 and month 30, depending on local conditions.