Thank you for visiting this page. You can see the main products listed on this site in the slide show above, and on the site map lower down this page. We also have the following products which are not currently listed this site:

  • Eco-friendly cleaning chemicals for hotels and resorts (additional products under development)
  • Cleaning chemicals with built-in pesticides
  • Stronger cleaners for very heavy-duty soil
  • A complete range of eco-friendly cleaning solutions for automobiles, buses, coaches, trucks, trains and other vehicles
  • Rust removers
  • Other industrial cleaning chemicals
  • Other industrial chemicals

Our labs can also develop specific custom chemicals for your other industrial, commercial, and institutional requirements.

Please contact us to find out more about the products below which are listed on this site – or contact us if you do not see what you need.

Product Range (and Site Map)

Please click and explore.